Monday, December 22, 2014

JailbreakCon 2015 is in the works, and this is how you can help

The fine folks at saurikIT are already working on planning the 2015 edition of JailbreakCon, the only event to my knowledge entirely dedicated to jailbreaking and the community around it. Although I haven’t personally been involved in the planning of the event, I understand that a lot of work and preparation goes into it, with one of the main challenges being to figure out what exactly attendees expect from the event. This is where you come in.
Cydia community manager Britta put up together a very short survey to collect feedback from potential attendees, with questions regarding time, location, topics, and more. If you’re interested in attending the event this year, please take two minutes of your time (literally) to fill out the short survey. This will greatly help saurikIT figure out how to make the best of the event.

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