Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shorts Reduce the Risk of Infertility Due to Radiation from Mobile Phones Launched

After his studies, scientists found that the wave radiation emitted from mobile phones can affect to some the sperm that could cause a man can not have children (infertility), a group of students and professors also creates a type of short pants can reduce this risk.

Peter Pau, a professor of technology and high frequency signal, said that this kind of shorts produced by mixed substances and it is recycled for easy dressing. Shorts have benefits in preventing sperm from the damaging radiation emitted by mobile phone when you are put into a pocket .

According to sources from Dailymail said the shorts will be sold in the market at a price of about $ 32 per box, but Cambodia may not be available yet.

How to install the free App Store to download free without Jailbreak (iOS 9.2, 9.2.1)

IOS version 9.2 and 9.2.1 seems to have no news at all and did not know what to wait until when. true, we all also know that the iPad Jailbreak iPhone will make our easy to face a number of problems will lose warranty from Apple. However, it really gave us a reason to jailbreak and main reasons for users that can download programs that charge on the AppStore for free from the store other vulnerable Just once.

At this time, we observed that some store that we can download the software without having to jailbreak a few closed and some seem to be less smooth. today we recommend Store a new China it can run both iOS 9.2 and 9.2.1.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Go to Safari and iOS. Appchina or through this link:
2. It would be out of the blue box, write Chinese characters, and we click on it
3. After that, it will lead us into the settings to let us install profile
4. Then click install it Done, then click Done
5. It will return to Safari and click Home, we will see new Store
6. You can find the program that we want, and then click Install if it ¥ signs and red stripes it can be downloaded for free, but if only the amount of money that it would take us back to the App store.

Watch how to install it again if you can not install the upper rod

We hope you can download the desired application by free anyway so sorry and apologized if the Lot can not be downloaded because it is rich as stores previously closed anyway, it's probably better not have nothing.

Source: Youtube (Channel: AppsGameNyyy9)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Auxo 3 review: a legendary tweak inches closer to perfection

After much anticipation, I finally have my hands on Auxo 3—exactly two years to the day of the original Auxo release date. This is a jailbreak tweak a long time in the making. It’s the second sequel to one of the most well-known and impactful jailbreak tweaks in the community’s storied history, and it doesn’t disappoint.
If I could put it into a nutshell, I’d say that Auxo 3 is a much-refined version Auxo 2. Lead designer, Sentry, and developer, Qusic, refrain from deviating drastically from the things that made Auxo 2 such a compelling update, but the pair does bring quite a few new interesting features and refinements to the table. This ultimately proves to be a very good thing.
Once you install Auxo 3, you’ll quickly settle on the realization that it is, as previously stated, very much like its predecessor. In fact, one could easily mistake Auxo 3 for Auxo 2 at first glance. The three main staple features that made Auxo 2 so awesome all made the cut for Auxo 3. Of course I’m referring to the Multi-Center, Quick Switcher, and Hot Corners.
The Multi-Center is a merging of the App Switcher and Control Center. The nice thing about the Multi-Center is that it uses the same slide up gesture that Control Center normally uses. This means that you can access both the App Switcher and Control Center controls without needing to touch the Home button.
The Multi-Center allows you to slide down on an app preview to bring it into focus, and slide up on the Home screen preview to invoke a close all apps action. It fills a lot of the void left by Zephyr, since Chpwn is no longer working on jailbreak tweaks.
The Quick Switcher is perhaps the flashiest feature and most recognizable part of Auxo 3. Like the previous version, the Quick Switcher allows you to slide up from the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to quickly access and switch to recently running apps.
Auxo 3 Quick Switcher
One new aspect of the Quick Switcher is the presence of Y-axis tracking. After invoking the Quick Switcher, the app previews will dynamically resize to accommodate your finger location on the Y-axis. Why include such a thing? Being able to move your finger vertically as you slide between apps may provide you with a better view of the app icon underneath your finger. Crazy attention to detail.
The last “big” feature, Hot Corners, allows you to quickly return to the Home screen bv using a swipe up from the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. In Auxo’s advanced options, you’ll find a setting to invert the location of the Quick Switcher and the Hot Corners if you wish to do so.
I should mention that I’m testing Auxo 3 on my iPhone 6 Plus. As such, I tested out the Multi-Center, Quick Switcher, and Hot Corners in landscape mode, and they all worked very well. In fact, the UI elements aren’t lazily converted 1:1 for landscape mode. Each UI element is completely redrawn and redesigned to fit in the landscape interface from both a size and styling perspective.
Auxo 3 Main
While those three aforementioned features cover the main meat and potatoes of Auxo 3, there’s still a lot to be discovered by venturing over to the tweak’s Advanced Options. There, you’ll find tons of little tweaks and adjustments that can be made to make Auxo 3 perform to your liking.
In fact, there’s a brand new feature in Auxo 3’s advanced options called Reachable Display. This allows you to relocate the toggles while using the Multi-Center to the bottom of the screen, expanding them using a swipe up gesture on the dark area/play controls. Given the size of the latest iPhone’s, this makes a huge difference when it comes to usability, and is a welcomed new addition to Auxo.
Another one of the new features to be found in Auxo 3 is the dynamic Multi-Center. You can find options for the dynamic Multi-Center under the Minimal Display switcher in the tweak’s Advanced Options section. The Minimal Display switch enables the ability for the Multi-Center to behave dynamically when it comes to displaying the music track seeker and the AirDrop AirPlay options. These sections will display and disappear dynamically once certain conditions are met. For example, you can make it so that the track seeker stays hidden when no music is playing.
I could spend the next fifteen minutes going over every minute detail of Auxo 3 like a fine tooth comb, but the simple fact of the matter is, you need to try it for yourself; you just do. It’s the type of tweak that can cause an involuntary emotional response. No, you won’t necessarily burst out in tears over the tweak’s beauty, but you will marvel at the ridiculously good design, you’ll smile at the small touches included here, touches that most developers wouldn’t even consider doing.
For example, under the Advanced Options, there’s a setting for album artwork. You can make it so that album artwork briefly appears when playing, skipping, or going to the previous song. But the key is that the album artwork will auto dismiss after a set interval of time that’s determined by the user. It sounds mundane in writing, but to see it in action is a thing of beauty.
Auxo 3 Album Artwork
The circular sliders for brightness control and volume control help usher in a brand new feature for Auxo 3. If you tap in the middle of each slider, you can jump to a specific brightness or volume preset with one tap. To configure these options, head to Advanced Options → Slider Actions in Auxo’s preferences.
And there’s so many areas like this in Auxo 3, areas in which you can tell that extra care was put into making it work just so. Like I stated earlier, I don’t have time to dissect each and every part of this tweak where extra attention to detail was paid, but you’ll see it if you look hard enough.
Of course, no tweak is perfect, and Auxo 3 is no exception. If there’s one glaring flaw with this tweak, it’s that there’s still a noticeable delay/lag between your Quick Switcher swipe gesture and the Quick Switcher appearing on screen. Obviously this isn’t a problem when it comes to system resources, as I tested Auxo 3 out on my iPhone 6 Plus. The problem goes back to what Sentry told me during the Auxo 2 release; it’s not the fault of Auxo, but it’s a fundamental issue with the animation lag present in iOS. There really doesn’t seem to be anything that Qusic can do about the perceived lag. It’s just something that you’re going to have to deal with if you want to use the Quick Switcher.
Auxo 3 Landscape Mode
Another issue that I feel is worth mentioning is the absence of the Favorite and Recent shortcuts that are normally present in the stock App Switcher. With Auxo 3 installed, these shortcuts are omitted, and I couldn’t find any options or settings to get them back.
Lastly, I’ve heard that iPad support is a little rough around the edges at this point, but I’ve not been able to independently confirm that myself. I don’t own an iPad, so just consider this review to be for the iPhone only.
Regardless of the few downsides that Auxo 3 has, it’s obvious to see that there aren’t many developers and designers that work as well together as Qusic and Sentry. Ultimately, you may decide that Auxo 3 just doesn’t fit your workflow, though I’d find it hard to believe that there isn’t some aspect of the tweak from which you’d derive satisfaction. But even still, you owe it to yourself to check this tweak out if you haven’t yet. Especially so if you’re new to the jailbreak community and iOS 8 is your first experience with jailbreaking. This is one of the pinnacle jailbreak tweaks to hit Cydia. It’s been that way since the original Auxo launched exactly 2 years ago, and it continues to be that way with the release of Auxo 3 today.
Auxo 3 is now available on the BigBoss repo, and previous purchasers of Auxo 2 will be able to upgrade to Auxo 3 for only $0.99. Users who are new to Auxo will be able to purchase Auxo 3 for $2.99. As a bonus, full-price purchasers get Auxo legacy and Auxo 2 added to their purchased list free of charge.
What do you think about Auxo 3?

New report claims Apple is considering return of 4-inch iPhone in 2015

A new report claims Apple is considering the return of the 4-inch iPhone in 2015. In a note to investors (via AppleInsider), analyst Timothy Arcuri of Cowen and Company said he believes Apple could launch three new versions of its handset next year.
Citing sources in the Asian supply chain, Arcuri calls the 4-inch device the “iPhone 6s mini,” and says it will likely feature specs similar to the iPhone 5s. Additionally, the phone will sport improved internals, and a curved design akin to the iPhone 6.
It’s worth noting that Arcuri has a mixed track record in Apple intel, but this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of a possible return for the 4-inch iPhone. Earlier this month, a report came outclaiming the 4-inch handset was on track for a H2 2015 release.
If true, such a move would bring one-handed usability back to the popular iPhone line—a benefit that Apple frequently touted in previous years, but essentially abandoned in September when it introduced the new 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch 6 Plus.

How to watch The Interview on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV

Although The Interview won’t be screened in most theaters around the country, you can still show your support for this over-hyped movie by watching it online. The movie is available for rent or purchase right now from several places, including, YouTube, Google Play, and Xbox.
If you have an iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, this is the best way to watch The Interview.
Step 1: From your desktop computer, go to YouTube and search for The Interview. As an alternative, you can save yourself a few clicks and go there directly from here. Note there is no way to rent or purchase the movie directly from your Apple TV or iPhone. You must initiate the purchase or rental from a computer.
Step 2: You will see a green button saying “From $5.99.” Click on it and you will have two options. You can either rent the movie for $5.99 or buy it for $14.99. Select the option you want.
tep 3: Unless your credit card info is already on file with Google, enter your credit card details and click “Accept and Buy.”
Step 4: The movie will now be placed in your “Purchases” folder on YouTube.
Step 5: From there, you can access the movie directly from your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. Simply launch the YouTube app and navigate to your Purchases folder and start watching the movie
Once you’ve watched The Interview, come back here and let us know what you think of it.

Monday, December 22, 2014

JailbreakCon 2015 is in the works, and this is how you can help

The fine folks at saurikIT are already working on planning the 2015 edition of JailbreakCon, the only event to my knowledge entirely dedicated to jailbreaking and the community around it. Although I haven’t personally been involved in the planning of the event, I understand that a lot of work and preparation goes into it, with one of the main challenges being to figure out what exactly attendees expect from the event. This is where you come in.
Cydia community manager Britta put up together a very short survey to collect feedback from potential attendees, with questions regarding time, location, topics, and more. If you’re interested in attending the event this year, please take two minutes of your time (literally) to fill out the short survey. This will greatly help saurikIT figure out how to make the best of the event.

Americans Overwhelming Oppose Commercial Drones Use, Poll Shows

A recent poll shows that 2 out of 3 Americans have misgivings about the potential “drone revolution.”
According to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which was conducted online December 4-8 among 1,010 adults with a margin of error for all results at 3.4 percent, Americans largely don’t like the idea of commercial drone use though it must be said that many are undecided. just 21% favored commercial use of drones, while 43% opposed their use. 35% of those polled were undecided given the infancy of the industry.

Congress and the FAA

The poll was presumably taken given that the FAA is expected to present Congress with draft regulations on manufacture, ownership and use of drones in commercial and private businesses by the end of the 2014.
The administration is rumored to propose restricting drones weighing less than 55 pounds to flights under 400 feet high, forbid nighttime flights, and require drones be kept within sight of their operators somewhat defeating the purpose.
Congress has been pushing the FAA to present them with more information given the potential benefits to the United States’ economy. According to the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, drones are expected to create 100,000 jobs and $82 billion in economic impact in the first 10 years they’re allowed to fly domestic skies.

Commercial Drones: Pros, Cons and paranoia

Not surprisingly, drone support was weakest among seniors in the poll. I’m not saying seniors aren’t progressive as a rule, I’m shouting it without the use of the Caps lock.
Roberta Williams, 66, told the AP that she doesn’t believe “the average person should be allowed to just go out and get one to do whatever they want to do with it.” She also expressed her concern that people would ARM Holdings plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:ARMH)(LON:ARM) them and take photos of her. That said, her response hardly speaks to commercial drone use.
Women as a demographic were nearly equally opposed to drone use, while wealthier Americans and college graduates were the biggest supporters of drone use.
Europe and Europeans are considerably more optimistic about the future of drones and thousands of companies have been given licenses to test and build drone tech. This understanding recently prompted, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) to write a threatening letter to the FAA in which they threatened to move the bulk of their drone program overseas. If the FAA fails to get it right they won’t be alone.